Wednesday, July 22, 2009

custom text bowl

Lovely little bowls by Paloma's can even customize them to say whatever you'd like! I gave these to my friends Runi & Thomas as a wedding shower gift, in hopes that they would put them on their dresser or nightstands...perfect for holding jewelry, coins, cufflinks, or random baubles. Gosh, I can't believe there's only one month left until their wedding, I can't wait!


td said...

As the co-recipient of one of those nests I've gotta say they are damn fly. They feel like they're made from sand dollars....can't beat that!

Your knowledge of cool, random stuff never ceases to amaze.

Expect a formal thank you in the mail!

runi said...

yes, we love our paloma's nest creations! she signed each one :) thank you for the awesome shower gift!

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