Monday, July 26, 2010

weekend snapshots

Hanging out at home and pigging out is our "thing" now:

* Kyle bought me grocery store sushi. It's called a "Dynamite Roll" but I call it a Dynamo Roll because it sounds better.
* My favorite pair of light denim, high-waisted sailor shorts. The buttons are the best.
* Met Holly the beagle...she likes to chase flies (unsuccessfully).
* Natural flavored frozen yogurt + apple cinnamon granola = tastes like breakfast.
* The newest addition to our wedding gift ever (thanks to my sis!).


Megan said...

that sushi looks good..what's in it??

runi said...

best weekend snapshots ever!! love that beagle and zebra! that sushi looks yum too-- time to go to O!

Sharon Chen said...

i think it was tuna, avocado, crab and cucumber...with lots of chili powder on top! very spicy...

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