Tuesday, June 2, 2009

happy birthday megan!

Today is a special day, because it's my little sister's birthday (she's turning 22...I guess that means she's not that 'little' anymore). So I just wanted to say "Happy Birthday" and thanks for being my bestest friend in the whole wide world. I am no longer jealous of the fact that you were able to pull off the bowl haircut 1000 times better than me :)
Love you!


  1. OMG HAPPY BDAY MEGAN!!! Did she get to celebrate at home?

  2. Sweet! Happy birthday! I love looking at blurry old photographs. :)

  3. me too! i wish my parents' old camera actually still worked...i bet it would have taken some amazing photos today.

    and melody - no, megan is in dallas and working during her bday...but we are celebrating next weekend when she's back! be sure to stop by and say hi :)
